

                                                                          By Vijayanta N Chitale One day I had gone to weekly market to fetch vegetables. While returning, bumped into Madhu a good old friend of mine. She sarcastically retorted ,” Tu kya poora bazaar utha ke le ja raha hai “ (are you carrying whole market with you). After exchanging pleasantries we walked our ways. Her simple words left a dent in my mind. Could the story of Hanuman carrying Dronagiri be a case of misinterpreted linguistics running down the ages? The recent controversy of Setusamudram should really make one sit to understand superstition of mythology in backdrop of scientific reality. Let us start with birth of Ram. Epic Ramayana says Dashrath performed a yagnya. God Agni emerged at sacred altar. He gave bowl of Payaas and said by consuming the Payaas, the queens will conceive. The story is going on for eons. Nobody knows what were the contents of Payaas.But in Catering Technology,